The system will reboot when the blue line is all the way to the right, and Windowsħ will come up, and will continue to configure SP1, so it is a slow process. The process does have (heart stopping) pauses, where it seems that nothing is happening, but just be patient and let it go through its paces. All (or most) of the files that SP1 needs for its configuration are already in place from your earlier failed install, and the installation Go to Start, Control Panel, Windows Update. Your computer will probably reboot after this process is finished, but if not, do a reboot.ĥ. This process will take about 1 hour, maybe longer.Ĥ. Then click EVERY language there, except English. Go to Start, Control Panel, Region and Language > Keyboards and Languages > Install/Uninstall Languages > Uninstall display languages.
It is the Language Display packs that create the problem. If you see (4th or 5th line down) Service Pack 1, then you are done. Do a normal shutdown and then bring the system back up Ģ. Thanks to the advice of many here and on other forums, I was finally able to install W7 64b SP1.ġ.